Thursday, 22 July 2010


SO! sorry i haven't written anything for an absolute age i've discovered that dA requires less effort and i don't have to think about what to write. i have an absolutely FAB work ethic, can you tell?
thank you to all the new followers (: i'll have a look at yours soon, i do promise! 
and.. i can't remember what was making me feel ill in the last post to who asked, possibly the thought of food or exercise? i reckon the latter though, i do rather love food as my appearance shows. 

anyway.. FINALLY on my summer break. i have seriously been waiting for this since exam leave. i hate education for forcing us to go back for 5 sodding weeks. in total i think i turned up for 3 of them? general feeling ew and the lack of energy i had didn't really flow with the work we were *supposed* to do? i see no issue with that. i did the same quiz in two different lessons one day. 
c'est le point?

just sent a friends presents off (: hope they like them otherwise that was a crying waste of money. well, one of them it was. the other two were cheap and cheery (':
hope they don't read this now..

i really do feel rather sleepy. i've watched sherlock holmes 3 times without paying attention at all. it seems quite futile. 
OH i went to borth for 2 days (: rained. alot. buuttt i got some gorgeous photos, in my opinion they're gorgeous anyway. please, please please check my dA? they're all up there and probably better presented.

pretty? (:
it's a bloody shame that the breakers in these photos which are actually gorgeous. i mean they're kinda rotting and falling apart but they have character! they're being torn down to be replaced by some crappy concrete thing. i'm so much less that impressed.
had to take as many photos as i could.
need to go back though when they're still there and take more (:

OH and i have a fat rib but that's a whole other story (:

1 comment:

  1. about time you wrote a post ;) - as i've said on your dA i love the pics x


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