Thursday, 6 August 2009

feeling like a fruit salad..

I really do feel like a fruit salad. well, if not a fruit one, perhaps just a normal one. basically my feelings are bumbling about all over the shop. 'cause earlier I was fairly cheery before I got home, or halfway home anyway, despite the fact that it had decided to rain and I was wearing a thin top which is about 2 sizes too big for me as I got it years ago, and a skirt. hmm. not a smart idea.

so yeah, got home and was feeling crappy. then changed into comfy jimjams which could have answered all my problems, but inevitably a headache that could wrestle with a metal chastitiy belt invaded my head. I could have screamed. plus nurofen failed epicly to work as well as it usually does. darn it.

gah, but then I decided to be a nice daughter and all, so took my demented puppies, well, teenage shelties, down to the field for a manic walk. bless them, they really are so adorable. I was reminded why I loved them so much when, completely soaked, they proceeded to knock me over and leap on me in the long grass (': then they were begging to be dried once we'd swam back up to the house. this provided an excellent chance to get some photos of Roly Poly Rosie and Fergus Foo Foo. also discovered Rosie is surprisingly camera shy. tad odd really..

so if I can beg one of my darling friends to upload a picture of the pair of them in their towels, you'll see how sweet they can be... on occassion anyway (':

I'm growing attatched to walking in the rain, it seems addictive. almost hope it rains tomorrow.. ha. I feel bad actually, I was supposed to meet Jodi in town at 11 today, I slept in, typically, and actually woke up at 11. well, 10:59 if you want to be precise. first words of waking up were.. "SHIT I'M LATE :|" and then a manic scramble to find clothes, straightners, and coffee.
did finally get there for about 12 though, I don't think I did too badly actually.. ah well. t'was a good day (': abusing the many chavs that litter the main street of Hinckley. fun stuff I tells you.

I also found this hair putty stuff, I think it was originally meant for my mom's hair actually. hers is a really short cut and when she had it styled it was done with some styling junk. anyway, I decided to experiment with it and have achieved a kinda messy, just woke up sort of look.. I like it (':

I have also started to do some of the transission work for 6th form. not exactly willingly, I shall admit, but I do need to do it. especially the whole reading of Jane Eyre. GAH !! I will do it ! I will.. but the only stuff I'm actually willing to do is the history. maybe it's the fact that Stefaniak's my teacher and I know she'll break both my legs if I don't, but I respect her in an odd way. ha. ah well..

Yoga beckons in any case, mm, candles ^.^



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Comments are the fruit of your loins. Be nice now. (':