Sunday 9 May 2010

shoop, shoop, shoop..

we did it! me and dais finally bladed down my road and didn't do it too terribly! i have to say, it was a shock. rather a big shock that we didn't
a) die.
and b) die more.
this is because my road's a main road.. and we decided to hop across it to get to another road with a load of closes coming off it. thank god for the gas works churning up my road and there's traffic lights so there's a nice gap between cars swoooooshing down it. 
yeah. we hopped across the road with one skate on. we're cool people (; it was damn fun :'D and i did the most amazingly graceful fall on the last time down my road. my legs went a tad too wide and i ran across a grass verge then kinda... fell onto the grass. it was slightly hilarious (': 

i enjoyed it anyway :'D so did dais. she likes laughing at me like, alot.
actually we were uber knackered after it. i was pretty much asleep by half 9. ain't it sad how i'm 17 and i'm shattered ridiculously easily. 

sadly it lasted until someone said something at which point i was worried, scared and then unbelievably annoyed and angry. urgh, can't stand to talk to them right now.

i hate these bloody feelings! piss off and slap him round the head and face please. 
kthnxbai. yes, i think you're a twat right now.
do i have "arseholes accepted, welcome to fuck me around" tattooed on my forehead?
cause blow me it feels like it.

whooooosssaaaaaaa. (:

okay, today wasn't so good, but thanks to my breakfast/lunch combo of an iced gingabread latte i took photos of ice when i was at the crappy museum. the things i do for my bloody CV! anyway. least i got a history essay and biology revision homework done eh?

frankly i think they're rather beautiful (: 

"look at me up in the sky, watch the world just pass me by. and all my feelings give me away."
- i do love busted. especially this song. i like relating to things y'know? (:

only a week 'till study leave.. come on! i can do this! 5 more days until i can shoop, shoop, SHOOOOOOOP along my road some more (': and chill.. oh god i want it. i want it now.
and i have a pact with tom for when i'm 30 (': makes me feel better.

jackassss (:

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