Monday, 29 March 2010

hi, i'm joey.

Seventeeeeeenn now! 

Why people ask if i feel any older i will never know, until i get to 30 or something? I still feel like a teenager, but it's another step closer to leaving this town (': Such a good thought! :'D 
Having said that, today didn't start well. Everyone left me without saying bye or anything.. I felt just a tad lonely :/ but then i got some lovely texts through, so thank you everyone (: Odd that i was talking to Dais and she said she felt kinda down on her 17th as well. Damn we're cool (;

Went into town with that tarrrddd though. Didn't get a cupcake from costa, but they are a tad too sweet first thing, still amazing! But so damn sweet. Good stuff (':

I love Daisy. And i love Charles (': man she made my day. She gave me my first and so far tastiest present (':

Bless herr (': thank you homiee!!

In town me and Dais got kinda bored so ambled round phone shops and stuff pressing things. I got a tad distracted by solitare (; damn i'm cool. Right? 
Am i not cool?


Found some rather hawt shoes in new look. And dorothy perkins actually. But the ones in the latter were huge heels and far more expensive.. by about 20 squid (': but they looked fit. Got the gorgeous, lush green ones from new look though. Fiver.. what a fookin' bargain! Especially considering i thought they were still 12 quid. Made me smiiiile :'D

I love this photo (: it's one of the few where my legs look nice (; ahaaa.

AND me and Dais shoved a candle in a mini mufff and called it my birfdaii' cake (': and i'm a photo hoe. I know this (':

Love love LOVE much?
I thought it was cute (': if A levels fail, I'm so going into photography/editing/prostitution. :'D

"My name's Joey and i'm a food addict. Steal my food and i steal your face."
Not actually a quote. I made it up from the wit of my mind (;

I fackin' love you guys (:


  1. Happy 17th :)
    Your legs do look nice, and you click awesome pictures. :D
    Don't worry, everyone's supposed to feel down on their birthday. :O

  2. Thank you (:
    Ahaaa, I'm a complete photo hoe! and thank you, i wish i could get a decent camera though, the chunkeh things :'D
    Really?! (:

  3. enjoy being seventeen! before you know it, you'll be approaching your twenties! :D

    follow my blog too? :)


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